A downloadable game

Happy Shoppers

A New and Most Disgusting Game For Consumers of All Ages

32 Grotesqueries of Capitalism 

Beautifully Corrupt

Frank and Alex Games

Happy Families, 1861

Original Advert for the Happy Families Game

How to play

If you’ve ever played Happy Families, you already know the basics of Happy Shoppers. In this game there are eight families consisting of four cards.  Each ‘family’ is a product. You can recognise a product family because all the cards will share the same symbol. Also, each card lists the other members in that family. The aim of the game is to treat yourself by collecting as many wonderful products as possible.

This is a game for 3 or more players.

Set the game up by shuffling the cards and dealing them all out so that each player gets an equal(ish) number of cards. Look at your cards. If you have a complete family, put them on the table in front of you. The player to the dealer’s left will take the first turn.

The player whose turn it is asks another player for a card by saying ‘I would like to…’ and then naming the card they want. For example, ‘I would like to upgrade my gaming console’

If the player has the card requested, they must hand it over. The requester then takes another turn, asking for another card (from any player) in the same way. If the asked player does not have the card, they say ‘I would not…’, naming the card requested. It then becomes the asked player’s turn.

When a player completes a product family, they lay the cards face up in front of them, saying ‘I have…’ and naming each card in turn (now using the past tense). The product itself is played last. For example:

I have… started a war in the Congo, leached cyanide into the earth, given a poor person cancer, AND… upgraded my gaming console.

Play continues until all product families have been completed. The player with the most products wins.

Download the rules, cards, and our design notes in a single file. 


Happy Shoppers Full Game.pdf 7.5 MB

Install instructions

Download the PDF file. It contains the rules, the cards to print and play, and our design notes. Enjoy! Or not!

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